Our Leadership
Stuart Hohl
Chair@knoxvilledemocrats.orgStuart Hohl was named chair of the Knox County Democratic Party in April 2024. Stuart was a 2022 Knox County Commission candidate for District 3, and recently served as the party's District 3 co-chair on its Board of Governors. His leadership experience includes roles in education and the television industry. Stuart is continuing the hard work of previous chairs to elect Democratic leaders who will bring compassion and common sense to our local, state and federal governments.
CJ Butcher
Vicechair@KnoxvilleDemocrats.orgCJ is an experienced organizer who has worked from the Presidential level down to local races in Knox County. He’s staffed campaigns in multiple states & brings on the ground experience to KCDP. He served as Vice Chair since 2021.
Debbie Helsley
Debbie is a lifelong Knoxvillian, Democrat, and union member. She served as the President of the local Communication Workers of America & Vice-President of the Tennessee AFL-CIO. She’s served on numerous community boards. -
Shannon Webb
Shannon is a loyal Knox County Democrat who is serving her third term as Treasurer and oversees the Outreach Committee. She works professionally in financial services and has a passion for taking care of the logistics of political organizing.
Board of
KCDP’s governing board which sets policies, strategies, and the overall direction of the party.
District 1: Rosina Guerra, Kristin Tocci
District 2: William Mendoza, Luke Conard
District 3: Brooke Carter, Pepper Van Tassell
District 4: Amanda Collins, Thomas Handler
District 5: Damon Boggess, Charles Chandler
District 6: Cary Hammond, Frank Schingle
District 7: Mary Ann Page
District 8: District 8 Organizers
District 9: Kenneth R Stephenson, Sylvia Woods