KCDP Calendar
Upcoming events
Empty Chair Town Hall
Indivisible Knoxville, the Knox County Democratic Party, nonpartisan organizations and the community have come together to host a town hall for republicans, independents, and democrats of East Tennessee to share their stories and concerns about the reckless policy decisions supported by Congressman Tim Burchett.
Congressman Burchett, Sen. Marsha Blackburn, and Sen. Bill Hagerty all refused or refused to answer this invitation to speak to their constituents here in East Tennessee.
St. Patrick's Day Parade
Please join KCDP at the St. Patrick's Day Parade on Saturday, March 15th. Wear your greenest green and represent our local party in the parade. We'll have flags to hand out and presidential standups to carry.
The parade will step off from the Civic Coliseum at 1:00 p.m. The parade will go down Gay Street, turning at West Magnolia. We will then walk to the Headquarters at 311 Morgan Street to remove the parade decorations and have some refreshments.
We will shuttle attendees from KCDP Headquarters from 11:00 AM to 12:45 PM.
The parade organizers require that everyone complete a liability form. KCDP will have copies of the required forms at the parade lineup.
If anyone would like more information or has any questions, please contact me at Treasurer@knoxvilledemocrats.org.
St Patrick’s Day 2024 group
County Assembly
County Assembly meeting for KCDP Officers, Precinct Chairs, District Representatives, Ex Officios which are representatives from Women’s Organization, Young Dems, and College Dems.
County Assembly
Location set to CWA Hall at 1415 Elm St, Knoxville, TN 37921
County Assembly meeting for KCDP Officers, Precinct Chairs, District Representatives, Ex Officios which are representatives from Women’s Organization, Young Dems, and College Dems.
Rocky Hill Christmas Parade
Please join us at the Rocky Hill Christmas Parade! Line up at 4:00 pm at Rocky Hill Ball Park at 7633 Alki Road, with parade beginning at 6:00 pm. No vehicles may be parked on Alki. Limited parking available at Rocky Hill Elementary. Parade will end at Rocky Hill Baptist Church. Please RSVP at Treasurer@knoxvilledemocrats.org to let us know you are coming!
Powell Lions Club Christmas Parade
Join the KCDP at the Powell Lions Club Christmas Parade. Lineup will be at Powell Middle School at 3329 Emory Road. Parade begins at 5:00 p.m. Please RSVP at Treasurer@knoxvilledemocrats.org to let us know you are coming.
Karns Christmas Parade
Please join the KCDP at the Karns Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 7th. The lineup will be at the Ingles on Oak Ridge Highway starting at 7:00 a.m. The parade will step off at 9:00 a.m. Please RSVP at Treasurer@knoxvilledemocrats.org to let us know you are coming.
WIVX Christmas Parade
We will shuttle walkers over to the line up location between 5:00 and 5:50 pm. Parade will begin at 7:00 pm at the Civic Coliseum.
Release forms are REQUIRED for this event. Forms will be available on the KCDP website or by reaching out to the Outreach Committee below. Forms can be scanned and emailed to the Outreach Committee or turned into the KCDP Headquarters. Please try to send forms no later than November 22nd, but we may be allowed to turn in additional forms at the WIVK booth no later than 6:00 pm that night. Email completed forms to Treasurer@knoxdemocrats.org
*Childrenunder12mustrideinthisparade.They are not allowed to walk.
Gibbs Ruritan Club Christmas Parade
Arrive for line up between 1:15 and 1:45 pm. Parade will begin at 2:30 pm.
The parade begins at Gibbs High School and ends at the Clear Springs Baptist Church property.
Please RSVP at Treasurer@knoxvilledemocrats.org to let us know you are coming.
Adopt-a-Road and garden work District 6 (Karns)
Trash pick up for Adopt-a-Road. Afterwards will proceed to Karns Library for garden cleanup which would be another hour.
Board of Governor's Meeting
Board of Governor’s meeting for KCDP Officers, District Representatives, and Ex Officios which are representatives from Women’s Organization, Young Dems, and College Dems.
Veterans Parade
Please join the KCDP at the Veterans Parade. Lineup will take place from 9:00 am to 10:30 am. The parade will begin at 10:40 near the Gay St. Bridge and will end near the headquarters. We will be walking in support of our Veterans – no items will be given out. If you are a veteran and would like us to make a sign with your rank, please include your full name, service division, and title when you RSVP. We would love our current office holders to join us – they may identify themselves with signage. Please RSVP to Treasurer@knoxvilledemocrats.org so we know you are coming!
Board of Governor's Meeting
Board of Governor’s meeting for KCDP Officers, District Representatives, and Ex Officios which are representatives from Women’s Organization, Young Dems, and College Dems.
Knox Pride Fest 2024 Parade
Walk with us in the Knox Pride Fest Parade. Lineup begins at E Hill Ave in front of the Blount Mansion at 5pm.
The parade will step off at 6:30pm. All walkers must arrive no later than 6:00pm.
Wear your favorite Pride attire and walk with the KCDP to hand out items, carry our cutouts and greet the parade attendees.
Knox Pride Fest - KCDP Booth
Volunteer to work the KCDP booth at the Knox Pride Fest.
We’ll be sharing the booth with Blount and Sevier County. Booth hours are Noon to 6pm at the World’s Fair Site
Truman Day Dinner
KCDP Truman Day 2024 September 20, 2024
Tickets at: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/trumanday2024
Doors open 6:00 pm
Dinner at 6:40 pm
Downtown Hilton
501 W Church Ave, Knoxville TN
Tickets are $80 each. A table of 10 is $800.
Reservations include a sit-down dinner with water, tea, and coffee. Other beverages will be available at the bar.
Please consider being a sponsor. Sponsors will be listed on the Program, the party web page, and shown on a PowerPoint presentation during the event.
These funds are used in our ongoing efforts to FLIP KNOX COUNTY BLUE!
You can also donate an extra reservation to a young Democrat. Simply purchase the reservation and let us know of your donation. We'll work with our young Democrats to assign these seats.
County Assembly
County Assembly meeting for KCDP Officers, Precinct Chairs, District Representatives, Ex Officios which are representatives from Women’s Organization, Young Dems, and College Dems.
Bryan Goldberg Kickoff Event
Bryan Goldberg State House District 18 Kickoff Event
Come out and meet Bryan Goldberg.
District 5 Meeting - Cary Hammond Kickoff
Cary Hammond State House District 89 Kickoff Event
Please join Cary Hammond (HD-89)for her campaign kickoff event!
August is shaping up to be a busy month for candidates as they plan fundraising events and kickoff parties.
We have decided to gather at Cary's Kickoff for our August Monthly Meeting.
Not all District 5 members will be able to vote for her, but we will all want to support her effort to represent us in Nashville!
Board of Governor's Meeting
Board of Governor’s meeting for KCDP Officers, District Representatives, and Ex Officios which are representatives from Women’s Organization, Young Dems, and College Dems.
Location: KCDP Headquarters - 311 Morgan Street, Knoxville, TN 37917
District 1 July Social at Orange Hat Brewing (East)
You will have a chance to meet with other district 1 members and 4 candidates are planning to attend. If you already know who you plan to vote for, we encourage you to vote early at the Eternal Life Harvest center at 2410 Martin Luther King Jr, located just minutes from Orange Hat.
Damon Rawls, County Commission District 1 candidate
Domonica Bryan, Tennessee Senate 6 candidate
Sam McKenzie, candidate for House District 15
Dr. Dasha Lundy, candidate for House District 15
Board of Governor's Meeting
Board of Governor’s meeting for KCDP Officers, District Representatives, and Ex Officios which are representatives from Women’s Organization, Young Dems, and College Dems.
Powell 4th of July Parade
Starts at Powell Middle School and ends in the back parking lot of Powell High School
Volunteers needed! We need parade walkers.
Please contact Shannon Webb, 865 804 7399or treasurer@knoxvilledemocrats.org
Farragut 4th of July Parade
Starts at Kingston Pike at Stadium Drive and continues to Boring Road, just east of Farragut Town Square Shopping Center
Volunteers needed! We need parade walkers to hand out flags and carry our cutouts.
Please contact Shannon Webb, 865 804 7399or treasurer@knoxvilledemocrats.org
KCDP Booth at SoKno Pride
Volunteers needed! We will need people to work the booth.
Please contact Shannon Webb, 865 804 7399or treasurer@knoxvilledemocrats.org
District 4 Meeting
Monthly meeting of District 4 members of the Knox County Democratic Party. The 4th Tuesday of each month (except June and December) from 6p to 7:30p at the Bearden Library. Please be prepared to wear a mask.