Please join the KCDP on Monday, June 19th in honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Commemorative Commission’s theme of “Moving on towards freedom, justice, and equality”. Lineup begins at 8:30 am in Midway/Chilhowee Park, 3300 E. Magnolia Ave, with step off at 10:00 am. The Midway Chilhowee Park entrance is directly off North Beaman Street, parallel to Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue. The Parade route will proceed down MLK, Jr Blvd and end at the Dr. Walter E Hardy Park, where the Beck Culture Exchange Juneteenth Celebration will start at noon. KCDP will also have a voter registration booth at the Juneteenth Celebration.
The KCDP needs people to join us in walking in the parade, handing out flags and carrying cutouts/signs. If you can join us, let Shannon Webb know at or come the morning of the parade. If you would like to volunteer to work with Voter Registration booth, please let Shannon know of your interest and availability.
The Commemorative Commission provides parking and shuttles for the parade. See below:
Parking and Shuttles: The Participants will be shuttled every 15 to 20 minutes from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., stopping at three locations for loading and unloading participants. Parking will be available at Chilhowee Park, Overcomers Believers Church and Tabernacle Church Parking areas. Those who park at Tabernacle Church parking, march/parade participants can board at Cruze St to be transported to Chilhowee Park. Boarding starts at 8:30 a.m., at Harriet Tubman Street at the KAT bus shelter across from The Change Center for transport to Beaman Street near the Chilhowee Park entrance. The Shuttle service will park at Cruze St and Martin Luther King, Jr Blvd to return participants who parked in the Overcomers Believers and Chilhowee parking area. The shuttle services will end at 12:30.